Fillmore County Fair
July 21 – 26, 2025
2025 Premium Book – Coming Soon
July 21 – 26, 2025
2025 Premium Book – Coming Soon
Important Phone Number: Sheila Craig, Secretary 507-273-1481
Fillmore County Agricultural Society Officers
- Mike Fenske, President
- Deb Haugstad, Vice President
- Sheila Craig, Secretary
- Doug Lind, Treasurer
University of Minnesota Extension Fillmore County Staff
- 4-H Educator – Alex Coe
- Ag Extension Educator – Katie Drewitz
- Support Staff – Heather Barth
- 4-H Regional Extension Educator – Kristen Hurley
Fillmore County Board of Commissioners
Mitch Lentz, District 1; Randy Dahl, District 2; Larry Hindt, District 3; Duane Bakke, District 4; Marc Prestby, District 5
Mitch Lentz, District 1; Randy Dahl, District 2; Larry Hindt, District 3; Duane Bakke, District 4; Marc Prestby, District 5
Fillmore County Agricultural Society District Representatives:
- District 1: Kurt Raaen, Tracy Raaen (Sumner, Jordan, Chatfield, Spring Valley, Fillmore Townships)
- District 2: Deb Haugstad, Doug Lind, Mike Fenske (Arendahl, Holt, Norway, City of Rushford Village, Pilot Mound Townships)
- District 3: Dennis DeVries, Theresa Doerr (Bloomfield, Beaver, Forestville, York, Townships)
- District 4: Aaren Mathison, Justin Johnson, Sheila Craig (Carrolton, Carimona, Bristol, Fountain, Preston Townships)
- District 5: Tom Haugstad, Marcia Johnson, Paul Schriever (Amherst, Canton, Harmony, Newburg, Preble Townships)
- At Large Member: Andy Craig
- Competition is open to the world, unless otherwise stated for a Division
- The Society will not assume any responsibility for disease, sickness, injury, loss, or damage to exhibits contracted during the fair.
- No person will be permitted to distribute advertising matter on the grounds or demonstrate issue except in the designated area. The tacking or posting of any advertisements or distribution of bills, cards, fliers, etc., except within the space occupied by the exhibitor is prohibited. Anyone violating this rule will be liable to fine and expulsion from the grounds as the Fair Board may elect.
- If for any reason whatsoever, the general receipts of the Society are reduced or diminished then the Society does not guarantee full payment of premiums listed in this book.
- The management will not be responsible for typographical errors in this book but, should any occur, same will be interpreted by the Fair Board
- No motorized recreational vehicles are permitted on the Fairground, except as designated by Fillmore County Fair Board
- The Fair Board reserves the final and absolute right to interpret these rules and regulations and determine all matters, questions and difference in regard thereto or otherwise arising out of or incident to the fair.
- Any person knowingly violating any of the rules of this Society will thereby forfeit all rights to any premiums that may be awarded to him.
- The management will consider it a kindness if any person will report any mistreatment, extortion, or questionable or demoralizing practice to anyone.
- Premiums will be mailed out within ninety days after the close of the fair. Claims for errors on premium checks must be made within fifteen days of the date of checks. Checks not cashed within thirty days from the date of issue will be considered forfeited to the Society.
- The Society reserves the right to limit the number of entries if space is unavailable. The management will endeavor to arrange for space for all qualified exhibitors. However, if present accommodations are exhausted, the management reserves the right to close entries at any time.
- Livestock and exhibits must be entered in the name of the bonafide owners.
- All entries must be the property of the exhibitor and except in designated classes must be made, manufactured, or raised during the past 12 months by the exhibitor.
- No more than one entry can be made in the same lot by any exhibitor. When more than one entry is made from the same farm or by the same family, proof of ownership must be shown to the Superintendent of that Division.
- No article will be allowed to compete for cash premiums that is not named and numbered in the premium list. A request can be made to the Fair Board Secretary to make provisions for additional classes or lots in succeeding years.
- The Superintendent or Assistant of each Division shall assist the awarding judges as clerk and shall make a written entry on the record of award made. This record when completed shall be signed by the judges and returned to the Fair Board Secretary.
- The Superintendent of each Division shall check to see that each article entered on the record book is present and properly arranged before the judges proceed to place the entries. If an article cannot be found, the judge should be so informed.
- Any interference by the exhibitor to influence or dictate the decisions of the judges will be sufficient cause for excluding his or her entry from competition and must be reported to the Fair Board Secretary by the Superintendent of the Division.
- The Superintendent of a Division may request the judge in his Division to state the reasons for awards if such a request is made by an exhibitor or spectator.
- The decision of the judges shall be final in all cases except where mistake, fraud, or misrepresentation not discovered at the time the award is made, is apparent. In such cases the Fair Board decision is final.
- An exhibitor may make a written protest of a decision of a judge to the Superintendent of the Division within three hours after the time the award was made.
- All protests shall be settled by the Fair Board at a meeting when all parties concerned will be notified to appear.
- No former prize winnings are to be displayed before judging in the class is completed.
- Where there is no competition, first premium may be awarded but money paid will be based on recommendations of the judge relative to the merit of the exhibit. No awards will be made if the exhibit does not merit an award.
- Premiums will not be awarded for articles or animals of inferior merit, although there is no competition.
- Exhibitors must obey the Rules and Regulations governing public exhibition on livestock and poultry in Minnesota as adopted and approved by the Attorney General. For further information regarding these rules see the Fair Veterinarian or Division Superintendent.
- Each person exhibiting livestock must present to the Secretary a certificate of health before the entry is accepted.
- Stalls and pens must be properly cleaned and presentable at all times.
Non-Livestock – NOTE Entry date and time is on MONDAY, July 15, beginning at 1:00 p.m.!
- Open class non-livestock exhibits must be entered from 1:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Monday, July 15, 2024. No exhibit shall be removed until 8:00 a.m. Sunday, July 21, or exhibitor will forfeit any premium to the Society. Fair Board will not be responsible for exhibits left after 11:00 a.m., Sunday, July 21.
- Exhibitors will be furnished with cards on which will be recorded the exhibitor number, division, class and lot designation and description of the article. Such cards must be attached to or in close contact with the article to which they belong.
- Bring address labels to attach to cards to save time at entry.
- Judging in all non-livestock departments will begin on Tuesday, July 16, 2024 and continue until completed.
- Awards shall be designated by ribbons as follows: Grand Champion, purple rosette – $5.00; Reserve Champion, pink rosette – $4.00; Champion, purple – $3.00; Youth Champion, purple (where applicable) – $3.00; First, blue – $2.00; Second, red – $1.50; Third, white- $1.00. Ribbons will be awarded where deserving.
2025 Premium Book Coming Soon